A very warm welcome to Catford Wanderers Sports Club.
The Club comprises of four sports sections (badminton; cricket; football; and tennis) and a social section. We pride ourselves on warmly welcoming new members; and being a community of those really keen to play their sport. We are known to be a friendly, fully inclusive club serving the wider community of Lewisham and South East London.
At CWSC we don't believe in just playing our sport - we believe that everyone should enjoy their sport and enjoy the company they are with which is why we have such a great social atmosphere too.
Fully equipped changing rooms to help you get ready in peace and a fully licensed bar to help you unwind after what could be anything from an inter-club match to a round of social sport with some of our best (and not-so-best) players.
If, however, you're not that interested in sport but are looking for a great venue to hold a wedding, birthday or just a good old party then we can help with that too. Our hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates.
We welcome new members from all backgrounds, skill levels and ages so dust off your racquets, clean up those boots, check out the pads and we look forward to seeing you soon!
So.....enjoy the site, click away and make sure that you give us a call on 020 8698 1259
A very friendly and growing membership makes full use of the Badminton court and facilities within our clubhouse
We currently have two adult playing XI's in the Kent Cricket League and a Sunday XI playing a mixture of Friendlies and Cup Competitions https://catfordwanderers.play-cricket.com/
We run a number of competitive adult and vets teams in local leagues - including the Southern Amateur League
Junior Football
We are excited to announce the launch of Catford Wanderers Football Academy - a newly formed professional Academy offering football skills development programmes for children aged 5 - 11 years. Further information on the programmes and how to join can be found on http://www.sesuk.net/cwfa
Our Tennis Section offers memberships to juniors and adults. We have 3 hard floodlit courts all year and 6 grass courts during summer. Those interested in joining are welcomed to weekly coaching sessions and to sample our social tennis sessions. A fully licensed Head Coach with a team of accredited assistants offers coaching to members and non-members alike. Further information can be found on https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/catfordwanderersltc
We offer a bar and kitchen facilities for the enjoyment of all club members